Forum:(SMW) Duplicate results in queries

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(SMW) Duplicate results in queries[edit]

Some queries have been found to repeat results even though they appear only once when browsing properties. Subobject browse link (True for all properties of this example.)

Commission the manufacture of a kaleidoscopic device of your ownan Action from The Inorganic Sciences Wing, a Storylet in The Museum of Prelapsarian History

The only currently known example comes from Commission the manufacture of a kaleidoscopic device of your own, where all the items and qualities in the "Unlocked with" field (or rather, their Use subobjects for the mentioned page) exhibit this behavior, apparent in their "pages which require this item" list. (It's been hidden with a trick to appear normally but this is where the double "From message" field was noticed. This trick would also allow the tracking of such occurrences, should it be desirable.)

User:PSGarak, I'd like to ask for your input on this curiosity! We did some digging and found nothing wrong with the code, nor could the peculiarity be reproduced on staging. There are no visible indications of why this particular data is repeated, but it appears doubled down in the data tables, too. Since mentions of similar happenings have been found in the SMW community, it was concluded to be most likely a bug. But perhaps you can shed some more light on this mystery? - CarrONoir (talk) 08:59, 23 October 2022 (UTC)

Yeah that's pretty weird. No idea.

Nothing jumps out to me that it's an issue with the data model. Sounds like an implementation error on the part of SMW. I might try making some trivial-ish edits to the related pages, to see if I can trigger a refresh of the affected data. PSGarak (talk) 01:48, 24 October 2022 (UTC)