Ingratiate yourself with Society

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: Opportunities for Ingratiation

Attend some dance lessons, whether you need them or not. Make a show of fitting in.

Game Instructions: [See below]. Raising Renown: Society will earn you a Persuasive weapon.

Factions CourtedGame Instructions
0You can choose up to three factions this way.
1You can choose two more factions this way.
2This will be your final faction choice. You can still raise Renown for all factions with Favours, but you will not have access to these actions for the remaining factions.

Unlocked with Renown: Society 5-9

Locked with Factions Courted 3, Favours: Society 7, Faction Courted: First exactly 7 (hidden), Faction Courted: Second exactly 7 (hidden), Faction Courted: Third exactly 7 (hidden)


Tapping feet, wagging chins

The 'lessons' are really just vectors for gossip. Each new dance summons memories of past renditions [...]. ("Convenient timing," one socialite observes. "Would she have dropped dead if Lord T_______ was expected there? I think not.")

Without Factions Courted:

With Factions Courted exactly 1:

With Factions Courted exactly 2: