Inspire her to imagine His Amused Lordship as a historical figure

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From: Dreams: The Phantasie of the Sculptress

He is frustrated that the sculpture is unfinished. She is disinclined to the work.

Game Instructions: This will end this dream, and bring you [see rewards below]. Higher-intensity dreams will yield more valuable rewards.

0 - 1a reward of Intriguing Snippets and Sightings of a Parabolan Landmark
2a reward of one Sworn Statement, some Intriguing Snippets, and Sightings of a Parabolan Landmark
3 - 4a reward of Sworn Statements, Intriguing Snippets, and Sightings of a Parabolan Landmark
5a reward of four Sworn Statements and Sightings of a Parabolan Landmark
6a reward of four Sworn Statements, some Intriguing Snippets, and Sightings of a Parabolan Landmark
7a reward including one Comprehensive Bribe, some Intriguing Snippets, and Sightings of a Parabolan Landmark
8 - 12a reward including one Comprehensive Bribe and a mix of Sworn Statements, Intriguing Snippets, and Sightings of a Parabolan Landmark
13 - 122a reward of at least two Comprehensive Bribes, as well as some combination of Sworn Statements, Intriguing Snippets, and Sightings of a Parabolan Landmark

Unlocked with The Dreamer Identified: is The Bohemian Sculptress, Duration of a Dream, Intensity of the Dream

Wiki note: You need Intensity of the Dream at least 7 to get a Comprehensive Bribe from this option. Game instructions change to reflect the rewards you will get.

Challenge information

Narrow, Mithridacy 2 (50% base)

  • 0 - high-risk (30%)
  • 1 - tough (40%)
  • 2 - very chancy (50%)
  • 3 - chancy (60%)
  • 4 - modest (70%)
  • 5 - very modest (80%)
  • 6 - low-risk (90%)
  • 7 and above - straightforward (100%)


Preparing the project

[…] you will one resemblance after another. […] one hand lifted, like an ancient orator. On his shoulder sits a small winged Cupid with the face of Miriam Plenty, whispering […]

Later, you will […] promise that[…] you can hurry along the production of his sculpture. […]

Description summary:
You inspired the Sculptress's dream-self by impressing imageries of His Amused Lordship on the unfinished sculpture. You later took advantage of that by soliciting a pay-off from His Amused Lordship through a promise that you can hurry the Sculptress along. He - and she - do not know of how you did this.

[Find the rest of the story at]

Intensity Comprehensive Bribes Sworn Statements Intriguing Snippets

1 0 0 20
2 0 1 15
3 0 2 10
4 0 3 5
5 0 4 0
6 0 4 20
7 1 0 15
8 1 1 10
9 1 2 5
10 1 3 0
11 1 3 20
12 1 4 15
13 2 0 10
14 2 1 5
15 2 2 0
16 2 2 20
17 2 3 15
18 2 4 10
19 3 0 5
20 3 1 0
21 3 1 20
... ... ... ...

Redirects to: Dreams dispelled


Shattering implausibility

You suggest alternate visions of His Amused Lordship. Each one looks less like the sitter. By the end, the Bohemian Sculptress has covered her face with her shawl and is moaning about her utter, loathesome incompetence as an artist.