Leave it to your companion

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: Striped Shames

The Weeping Mercenary moves to speak – no doubt about to present the same point.

Unlocked with Of Stripes, and Coils 245


Signs of life

The Striped Officiant's face falls in shock [...] "[...] but 'not dead' does not always mean ali—"

[...] "How many are in there [...] forced to live alongside your ancestral shames?

The old tiger sags [...] "I hear you. This is an old edict, from [...] when war was all we knew [...]"
  • Estivaltigersmall.png There is much even the tigers do not know. (Sets Of Stripes, and Coils to 250 - The Sixth Coil is blockaded by tigers. Find out why)