Leverage all of the diplomatic power at your disposal

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From: Court of the Wakeful Eye

You have the ears of the Court's Ministers. And those ears are attached to very influential tigers.

Unlocked with The Coilheart Games is 3 (World Quality, now locked), The Minister of Culture, The Minister of Enigmas, The Minister of State Affairs, The Minister of War, 20 x Tribute, Of Stripes, and Coils 230-299

Locked with Lead: A King Long Ago


Written by the victors

[…] The Ministers tense […].

[…] "I believe you have a saying: look always to love. Many shames begin with passion. […]" […]

"Once, we had cause to depose one of our regents. The Coil was a prison long before there was a Labyrinth. […]"

Description summary:
The Minister of State Affairs is the only one to speak, before being silenced by the Minister of War.

[Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]