
From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

Sometimes you see the Russet Spindlewolf and her henchman […] you catch a trace of coal dust and cigar smoke in the air.

[…] you know where they've been only from the pinched expression on someone's face: anxious, doubting whether they should be here […]

Description summary:
The game instructions vary based on your current Exploration of a Hinterland City.

ExplorationGame Instructions
25To continue the process of dealing with these two, gather appropriate provisions, raise your Habituated to the Hinterland, and visit the City.
35To continue the process of dealing with these two, gather appropriate provisions, raise your Habituated to the Hinterland, and visit the Creditor.
47To continue the process of dealing with these two, investigate the Cuirass in your laboratory.
50To continue the process of dealing with these two, visit Your Activities in London.

[Find the rest of the story at]

Unlocked with Exploration of a Hinterland City 25-50

Card drawn in The City of the Tracklayers

Cannot be discarded except by effects clearing your hand.
