Make your way towards the Tournament of Imagination

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: The Coilheart Games (Storylet)

Action Cost: 0

Description summary:
The description varies based on Imagination: Schedule.

Imagination: ScheduleDescription
1 - 2A gladiatorial battle of taste and aesthetic. It's all happening – where else? – in Veilgarden.
3Judging is underway, the winners about to be crowned! Better hurry, so as not to miss the action.

[Find the rest of the story at]

Unlocked with Imagination: Schedule is present (World Quality, now available)

Locked with Imagination: The Story So Far 6


Easy to find

You hear the noises first: appreciative 'ooh's, derisive laughter, the occasional smattering of boos and hisses. The Coilheart Games have dragged the artistic process, kicking and screaming, into very public view.