Offer a polite greeting

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: A Starved Man with a Moving Camera

Improbably, he seems to be trying to get your attention.

Unlocked with Restored to the Court of Her Enduring Majesty

Locked with Acquaintance: The Chromatophoric Cinematographer


Your reputation, it seems, precedes you

For a shape-changed cenobite of the ceiling, he seems intensely knowledgeable about the arts in London – […] he makes a point of citing your work, specifically. […]

But his interest in you goes beyond mere exchange of words. He'd like to ask for your aid.

Description summary:
The end of the first paragraph depends on the school you're identified with.

Identified with a SchoolText
NocturnalsHe claims to adore your Nocturnal works – he believes there's so much the photographic image can reveal, in the velvet black of underexposure.
BazaarinesHe references your Bazaarine tendencies, and suggests that he has his own ideas on how photography and kinetography can be used to reveal the motions of the Bazaar.
CelestialsHe references your Celestial tendencies, and asks: What better art to capture the subtleties of light than motion photography?
You reject all labels and associationsHe doesn't have the vocabulary to describe your work – few do – but he certainly shows genuine enthusiasm.

[Find the rest of the story at]