Offer some purloined secrets

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: A Tournament of the Sciences: (Any Faction)

You may have glimpsed a thing or seven from the opponents' bays.

Unlocked with Casing... 4, Science: The Story So Far ( Schedule + 1)



Description summary:
The description varies depending on which side you're supporting.

The Eagle ClanYou share your musings with an intermediary of the Diplomat-Engineer. She is far too noble to resort to such methods. […] He jots down your intelligence […], though cheerfully discards those methods of your opponents he can already see will come to naught.
The Koloman RepublicYou share your musings to the Shifty Tinkerer, who merely smirks, as though they had already guessed.
The Tomb-ColonistsThe Cackling Mechanic grins, and scribbles some smudgy notes on the bandages of her palm. "No respect for the old ways, this lot," she says. "We'll show 'em."
The Tortoise ClanYou share your musings with the Methodical Sage. He listens, scribbles, and uncharacteristically, giggles. "Oh, I had planted some of those notions myself. [...] But these developments. Always trouble when the Eagle begins to think independently..."

[Find the rest of the story at]

If Science: Taking Sides is 2 - The Eagle Clan:

If Science: Taking Sides is 3 - The Koloman Republic:

If Science: Taking Sides is 4 - The Tomb-Colonists of the Grand Sanatoria:

If Science: Taking Sides is 5 - The Tortoise Clan: