Present him with the Case of the Contents of the Sixth Coil

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From: Working with the Honey-Addled Detective

He remains one of London's foremost deductive minds. Surely he can offer some insight on the day's most compelling mystery?

Unlocked with The Coilheart Games is present (World Quality, now locked), Of Stripes, and Coils 20-299

Locked with Lead: The Honey-Addled Detective



The Honey-Addled Detective listens closely. He nods at almost all the right times […].

"I had a dream," he says in answer. "[…] the dream was born in a jungle. […] perhaps jungles, in the plural. […]"

[…] "I feel always that I am half-awake. Or perhaps only half-asleep."

[Find the rest of the story at]