Query the composition of the team (No Coilbreaker)

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: The Plan of Action

Is it just the four victors entering the Sixth Coil for the operation? Are there not more... qualified volunteers?

Unlocked with Of Stripes, and Coils exactly 355

Locked with Coilbreaker


Written by the victors

[…] "And before you object, we built the arrays." The […] Mastermind […] nods slowly. "If something goes wrong, we'll need to be there. […]" […]



The […] Officiant pads over to stand at your side. "[…] we have already sent our best […] in, […] most of them did not come out." […] "But you did."

[Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]

  • Estivaltigersmall.png There is little enough trust in this room, and you've been a familiar face to all. (Sets Of Stripes, and Coils to 360)

Redirects to: Rounding Out the Team