Render material assistance to (Faction) (Science)

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: A Tournament of the Sciences: (Any Faction)

Intelligence, charts, building materials. The stuff of machine and science: the known, waiting to be transfused into the not-yet-understood.

Game Instructions: This will become available halfway through the tournament. It has a multiplicative effect on the results of the tournament. You can only do this up to three times.

Unlocked with Science: Schedule is 2 (World Quality, now locked), Science: The Story So Far ( Schedule + 1), Mortification of a Great Power, 5 x Unprovenanced Artefact, Puzzling Map, Vital Intelligence, Bejewelled Lens, 25 x Memory of Distant Shores

Locked with Science: Material Delivered 3


A vast gift

You arrive at the bay with […] charts of forbidden archipelagos, journals of distant zee voyages, samples both geological and archaeological. Enough to trace the terrain from here to journey's end: enough to give sharpness to an edge already whetted.

[Find the rest of the story at]

If Science: Material Delivered < 2

If Science: Material Delivered is 2

If Science: Taking Sides is 2 - The Eagle Clan:

If Science: Taking Sides is 3 - The Koloman Republic:

If Science: Taking Sides is 4 - The Tomb-Colonists of the Grand Sanatoria:

If Science: Taking Sides is 5 - The Tortoise Clan: