Scour the archives for mention of stripes

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: Spelunking in the Sunken Embassy

The Khaganians clearly have some knowledge of the Sixth Coil, inherited from their old city. Perhaps some traces yet remain.

Unlocked with The Coilheart Games is 2 (World Quality, now locked), Of Stripes, and Coils 150, Coilheart Eagles 10

Locked with Lead: The Old Celestial Embassy


Diplomatic hubs

[...] This old contract mentions a third party. [...] 'The Embassy to the Banded Ones'. The document mentions that the embassy is located to the north-west of the Bazaar – close to where the Labyrinth lies now. Of the Sixth Coil, there is no mention [...].

Redirects to: Spelunking in the Sunken Embassy