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From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: Read the Diary of the Dead

This volume has been bound and rebound. A note folded into the binding suggests it has been translated twice; once from its original language into Hudum, and once more into English.

Unlocked with The Coilheart Games is 2 (World Quality, now locked), Of Stripes, and Coils 100-299, Coilheart Tomb-Colonists 10

Locked with Lead: Entrants From Ages Past


History repeats

[…]a familiar story[…]striped ambassadors[…]a tournament of blood and wits; a prize beneath[…]The diary's owner[…]watched the winners descend[…]watched their loved ones grieve as they did not return[…]words of a visiting cat[…]: "Offering enough for another age of peace."

[Find the rest of the story at]