Shake your fist (New Dawn)

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: New Dawn

No. Enough. How many more delegations must London suffer?


Surface lilies

[...] Some groups fan out, eager to sample the delicacies of [...] Neath [...] A Sun-Kissed Polymath is not so easily taken in. He mutters something in a different language [...]

One thing they do keep in common, [...] They all appear deathly afraid of death [...] Surfacers. They'll learn.
  • Kolomanrepublicsmall.png The Koloman Republic – which appears to be a country on the Surface – is here to complete. (Raises Coilheart Visitors by 1)
  • Estivaltigersmall.png The final foreign delegation has arrived in London. (Sets Of Stripes, and Coils to 60 - The Coilheart Games are coming to London)