Speak to the Dean of Neocartography

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: Use your Poison for something other than Murder

The Neocartography department has politics that make a dockside knife-fight look elegant. Assemble enough poison and the aristocratic Dean will be happy to share his secrets.

Game Instructions: This will always gain you Memories of Distant Shores. There may be other effects.

Unlocked with 50 x Flask of Abominable Salts

Challenge information

A matter of luck: It could go either way (success chance: 60%)



"...and the next one that comes in here asking about going North. Well, let's just say I will put something in their tea, and it won't be sugar. The problem is that half of them will thank me. Terrible people."

Rare Success

A lack of worship?

"...I still hear speculation about Alexandria, but I'm sure that isn't true. The Second City didn't have nearly enough temples to be Alexandria."

Wiki note: Rare success chance is 5%.


Fruits of the east

"...and somewhere East of the Sea of Voices there's a place. A city. I can't really say more, or the Gracious Widow will have me murdered. But those peaches come from somewhere, and it's not the Surface."