Speak with Sinning Jenny (2023)

From Fallen London Wiki
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From: Fruits for the Starved

She is not the Lithologer's chaperone, per se. Nor does she wish to create the impression that they need supervision. But she is here, nonetheless.


New friends

[...] drawing wary stares and curious crowds away from the Starved visitor with her sheer force of personality. [...]

[...] "Doesn't this feel like the beginning of something? It is much more difficult to make friends than enemies. But always worth it, I find. [...]"

Description summary:
Jenny is clad in her most attention-grabbing habit and is drawing attention to herself so that the Starved Lithologer can enjoy the Feast without being accosted. The Lithologer does realize it and is giving her thankful looks. Jenny finds time for the player and thanks them for their support.

[Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]