Spy on conversations

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: A masked revel for the Feast of the Rose!

Masks and wine make for unguarded conversations. It is a bother to be working at such a time, but secrets are secrets.

Unlocked with 1 x Mask of the Rose

Challenge information

Broad, Shadowy 20

  • 14 - very chancy (42%)
  • 17 - chancy (51%)
  • 21 - modest (63%)
  • 24 - very modest (72%)
  • 27 - low-risk (81%)
  • 31 - straightforward (93%)
  • 34 - straightforward (100%)


Secrets and romance

Oh, the secrets that lovers will whisper! The trustful indiscretions! The giggling candour! If they do not blush tonight, then they certainly shall tomorrow.

Rare Success

Secrets and romance

Oh, the secrets that lovers will whisper! The trustful indiscretions! The giggling candour! Some of them even leave their little presents unguarded as they hurry to their trysts. If they do not blush tonight, then they certainly shall tomorrow.


Dropping no eaves tonight

Not quite subtle enough. Conversation stops abruptly as you sidle over. Perhaps these people recognise you, mask or no. They glare in silence until you slope off to the canapés.