Strike them down

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From: Cornering the (Bounty) at Last

Your quarry is within your sights at last. Your Blue Prophet shrieks from your shoulder. The Unterzee requires her due.

Game Instructions: You will always claim your plunder. Success will reduce the amount of Troubled Waters you gain.

Unlocked with Chosen Bounty Ship Type 100 (hidden)

Challenge information

Narrow, Zeefaring 11 (50% base)

  • 7 and below - almost impossible (10%)
  • 8 - high-risk (20%)
  • 9 - high-risk (30%)
  • 10 - tough (40%)
  • 11 - very chancy (50%)
  • 12 - chancy (60%)
  • 13 - modest (70%)
  • 14 - very modest (80%)
  • 15 - low-risk (90%)
  • 16 and above - straightforward (100%)

Zee RegionChallenge difficulty
Home Waters5
Stormbones / Shepherd's Wash6
The Sea of Voices7
The Salt Steppe11
The Pillared Sea12
The Snares13


Pitched and bloody battle

[See below]

As the Unterzee claims her due, and the (Bounty) disappears below the waves, you have ample time to gather up scavenge what plunder you can find.

Description summary:
The first paragraph changes based on the the type of ship you're pursuing.

Chosen Bounty Ship TypeDescription
100 - 199Gunsmoke fills the air. The empty zee between your ships is a frenzy of artillery and small arms fire […]

[…] But your ship is an extension of your body […] and even as cannonballs scream over the smokestacks you can tell the battle is won. […]

200 - 299The Khanate's ships have the advantage in mobility – but your crew are seasoned pirates[…]. […] you target the […] outriggers, those […] hulls that keep the ship upright through […] tight manoeuvres.

[…] One outrigger crumples and falls […]; your quarry is crippled. […]
300 - 399[…] Polythremean ships […] fight with metal tooth and wooden claw[…] and slip their shapes mid-attack. […]

[…] even a ship born from metal and nightmares cannot resist the tectonic bombardment […] The ship lists, […] and something like oil leaks from the holes in its hull.

400 - 499Nothing is guaranteed with the Iron Republic. You are cautious, circling the vessel at your maximum range […] Then space squeezes […] Do the devils revel as they die, bodies crumpling like discarded rags? Amidst the din, it is difficult to tell.

[Find the rest of the story at]

Zee Region Plunder gained
Home Waters5334
Stormbones / Shepherd's Wash5341
The Sea of Voices5403
The Salt Steppe5568
The Pillared Sea5597
The Snares5659


Pitched and bloody battle

[See below]

As the Unterzee claims her due, and the [Bounty] disappears below the waves, you scramble to claim your plunder, while your ship is still zeeborne.

Description summary:
The first paragraph changes based on the the type of ship you're pursuing.

Chosen Bounty Ship TypeDescription
100 - 199Gunsmoke fills the air. […]; all open space is laced with death. It is difficult to see, to even tell which way is up, […] Zailors fall to the deck, or overboard, or Storm-knows-where […] Your opponent is listing […] but you are struggling too […]
200 - 299The Khanate's ships have the advantage in mobility – but you have trained your crew for this. […] The Khaganians seem to have similar knowledge of your own vessel […] When your shots finally land, is more luck than skill […] A victory, then, but only just.
300 - 399The usual tactics of naval warfare do not apply [...] You circle each other [...] Your cannons are earthquakes in the darkness, but the living ship screeches [...] and rams you with its broken body. [...] The living ship lists [...] But you are hurt and bleeding, too.
400 - 499Nothing is guaranteed with the Iron Republic. And so it is here, as the enemy's guns turn the air to fire, boil the zee for leagues around you. […] by the time you bring it down, it is hard to determine which vessel has suffered the most.

[Find the rest of the story at]

Zee Region Plunder gained
Home Waters5334
Stormbones / Shepherd's Wash5341
The Sea of Voices5403
The Salt Steppe5568
The Pillared Sea5597
The Snares5659