Sweep your gaze over the assembled faces

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: Packed to the Rafters

Maybe you'll see someone you know! Maybe you won't – both would be illuminating.

Unlocked with Of Stripes, and Coils exactly 101


Across the Neath

[…]Londoners of all shades, sizes, and gradations of cleanliness, are here for the celebration[…]

There are other outliers, too, the traces of visitors' passage[…]

And the tigers? Why, here they come now.

[Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]

  • Estivaltigersmall.png It is as if the entire Neath has turned out for the occasion. The amphitheatre judders and sways. (Sets Of Stripes, and Coils to 102 - The Coilheart Games are underway)

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