Take a good look around

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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: Inside the Cock and Magpie

Who's that woman in the fading lithograph above the bar?

Challenge information

Broad, Watchful 115

  • 79 - very chancy (41%)
  • 98 - chancy (51%)
  • 117 - modest (61%)
  • 137 - very modest (71%)
  • 156 - low-risk (81%)
  • 175 - straightforward (91%)
  • 192 - straightforward (100%)



[…] Miriam used to run this place a'fore me, with 'er 'usband. Both of 'em tangled up with them Masters up in London. Terrible business. Still, I hear she's played fair well with a bad hand. Even had a go at making Rubbery Lumps. In London! […]

Description summary:
The landlord notices you looking at the picture (see failure description). Afterwards you just smile at the laughing landlord.

[Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]

Rare Success


[…] Did you 'ear what they say he did? I never did know if that were true. […]

She's gone far from 'er roots if she can stomach doin' 'em in that water.' The Landlord roars with laughter. You smile politely.

Description summary:
It builds up upon the success description but adds a few precarious details about her husband and her

[Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]


Behind brown eyes

It's Mrs Plenty! From her apron and tankard-cloth, she used to be the landlady at this very establishment. But there's something about her eyes in the picture. […] It's a hunger born of fear. The face is expressionless but the eyes scream for escape.

[Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]