Take a moment to regroup (Tea Room)

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From: A Tea Room?

Catch your breath; recover.


A flicker of warmth

The tea is... tea. Ordinary, drinkable, tea. It is neither good nor bad, strong nor weak. It is warm. Every teacup has an identical chip on its rim. Every chair's back left leg is slightly short, causing them to wobble in the exact same way.


Description summary:
The second paragraph varies based on who you're Wandering the Stacks with:.

Wandering withSecond Paragraph
The Last Duchess OR Several Officers of your CrewThe Last Duchess sips the tea suspiciously and makes a face, unaccustomed to the bitterness. She puts the cup down. "Do you really drink this all the time?" She pours herself a second cup.
TatterdemalionTatterdemalion looks at the tea. He opts to light a cigarette, instead.
The Lost ShepherdThe Lost Shepherd holds his teacup with both hands, feeling its warmth.
The Clamorous CartographerFATE

[Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]