Test the Dean's theory

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: Ambition Nemesis – The Missing Month

You'll need a bat with spirit, an inconceivable amount of wax, and an impossible supposition.

Unlocked with Ambition: Nemesis exactly 135, 1 x Bat with Attitude, 6500 x Lump of Lamplighter Beeswax, 1 x Searing Enigma

Locked with A Scholar of the Correspondence 21


A number of candles beginning with six

[…] This involves exposing each hand-made candle to vivid violant light, filtered through a lens of kaleidoscopic glass.

You scoop up the bat. […] it'll only take six and a half days for your bat to be sufficiently attuned.

[Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]

Redirects to: Ambition Nemesis – The Missing Month