The Il-Altun-class Yacht (Gaider's Mourn)

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: The Green-Gilled Shipwright's Pier

More slender than the London equivalent; a delicate and elegant vessel. But the lights on her deck; she glows like a beacon.

Game Instructions: A luxurious ship that enhances your Respectable and Persuasive attributes.

Unlocked with In Pursuit of Wrack-Iron 8, (Without Mother-of-Pearl Coin:) 1 x Corresponding Sounder, [see below] x Assortment of Khaganian Coinage

ShipKhaganian Coinage Cost
Rusty Tramp Steamer384
Swift Zee-Clipper240
Majestic Pleasure Yacht40
Ogedei-class Liner
Nyx-class Zubmersible
Obstinate-class Cruiser

Locked with Il-Altun-class Yacht, The Cladery Heart


Close inspection

Her design retains an elegant form while having as much deck space as possible; [...] a floating patio, lit by electric lights. You can already picture how you'll arrange deck furniture on her. [...] Perhaps the outrigger hull can [...] act as a dance floor...

With Mother-of-Pearl Coin:
