The Persian way
From Fallen London Wiki
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From: Making Your Name: Consider what to do next
Herodotus said of the Persians: "It is their practice to deliberate first upon affairs of weight when they are drunk; and again on the morrow, when they are sober..."
In other words, get hammered now, have a proper think about it later.
Unlocked with Hedonist 4
Challenge information
A matter of luck: The odds are strongly against you here (success chance: 30%)
Night thoughts
Love! The Postgraduate loved the Reader. The Provost [...] Which of these loves is important? [...] Did anyone love poor Jeremy? Poor Jeremy. Poor little shpider. All alone with his eyesh and hish mirrorsh. Have another drink.
You've gained 1 x Sudden Insight (up to 20)
Watchful is increasing… (+4 CP, up to level 200 +
Watchful Gains)
Rare Success
Nightmost thoughts
Love! The Postgraduate loved the Reader. The Provost [...] Who loved the Masters? Who loved the Bazaar? Who loved the Sun? [...] Poor little shpider. All alone with his eyesh and hish mirrorsh. Have another drink.
You've gained 2 x Sudden Insight (up to 20)
Watchful is increasing… (+10 CP, up to level 200 +
Watchful Gains)
A disagreement in a public house
What happened? There are moments of clarity. A debate with a colleague who considered himself an authority on Herodotus. [..] Then someone called you a drunken fraud, and all else is mystery. You have beer in your hair.