The Source of all Water

From Fallen London Wiki
Spoiler warning!
This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

Description summary:
The description depends on your Firmament quality.

110Below the leviathan, the ambergris mills stand empty. […] of men, industry, ambergris, there is no sign.

[…] The mills clings below the upturned mouth, for better access to its innards. Of the ingresses available […], it seems the most palatable.

111The water cascades over the gantries, enveloping the derelict mills in spray. […] everywhere you spy downed tools, abandoned billets and forlorn barrows. It's as though everyone left their labours mid-shift.
112Footprints […] pool below the yawning maw […]. […] They were organised – but by whom? […]

Ladders, heavily corroded […], close the gap between gantry and the Leviathan's abyss. Answers, it seems, must come from within. As ever, the literal remains a curse.

[Find the rest of the story at]

Unlocked with Firmament 110-112


Simply walk in
  •  Spoiler 
    Unlocked with Firmament exactly 110




    • Neathroofsmall.png You are exploring the Midnight Moon's secrets. (Sets Firmament to 111 - Find the source of the rain, somewhere in the Moon)
Sneak into the ambergris mill
  •  Spoiler 
    Unlocked with Firmament exactly 110


    Challenge information

    Broad, Shadowy 150 || 103 - very chancy (41%) || 128 - chancy (51%) || 153 - modest (61%) || 178 - very modest (71%) || 203 - low-risk (81%) || 228 - straightforward (91%) || 250 - straightforward (100%)



    • Sidebarshadowysmall.png Shadowy is increasing…
    • Neathroofsmall.png You are exploring the Midnight Moon's secrets. (Sets Firmament to 111 - Find the source of the rain, somewhere in the Moon)

    Redirects to: The Source of all Water



    • Sidebarshadowysmall.png Shadowy is increasing…
    • Neathroofsmall.png You are exploring the Midnight Moon's secrets. (Sets Firmament to 111 - Find the source of the rain, somewhere in the Moon)

    Redirects to: The Source of all Water

Eye brown.png
Attempt to discern the cause
  •  Spoiler 
    Eye brown.png
    Unlocked with Firmament exactly 111


    Challenge information

    Narrow, Chthonosophy 2 (50% base) || 0 - high-risk (30%) || 1 - tough (40%) || 2 - very chancy (50%) || 3 - chancy (60%) || 4 - modest (70%) || 5 - very modest (80%) || 6 - low-risk (90%) || 7 and above - straightforward (100%)


    Stolen ambergris

    • Neathroofsmall.png You are exploring the Midnight Moon's secrets. (Sets Firmament to 112 - Find the source of the rain, somewhere in the Moon)


    Signs for those with eyes to see

Whale constellation.png
Enter the Leviathan