The imprisoned Seventh Coil, and its consort

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: The Long Tail of Departure

Ancient prince, venerable fingerking, and the Tiger Keeper, together in the depths of the Labyrinth. Those final images haunt you.


To return home, changed

You wake from a dream of forests and fires […] There is something in your mouth, nestled beneath your tongue. A scale.


You place the scale on the sill, and it glitters in the dim light of the Bazaar's spires. A reminder, of hidden and secret depths.

Description summary:
After waking up from a dream about forests on fire, you find a golden scale. As you ponder it, you reflect on the Coilheart Games. Most visitors and tributes leave, some stay and become permanent citizens of the Neath. You notice how London has seemingly gone back to its usual flow, if only a little altered by the brief influx of new cultures.

[Find the rest of the story at]

Success Instructions: This concludes the Coilheart Games, and the opening of the Sixth Coil.