Watch (Double)

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: The First Round, The Second Round

Somewhere on the table are poisoned tankards. Perhaps even one of the ones now moving towards waiting lips.

Unlocked with Double or Nothing

Locked with A Devilment with the Tankards

Wiki note: What is considered a success or failure in the luck challenge depends on your choice of ally.

Challenge information

A matter of luck: It could go either way (success chance: 50%)


A quaffing

The tankards are raised and drained […] The Cheery Man belches. He belches again. And again. He does not seem able to stop.

The Last Constable refuses all entreaties to look away […] it is over. She will allow no one to approach the corpse.

Description summary:
This is a success if you support the Last Constable. If you support the Cheery Man, it's a failure.

[Find the rest of the story at]

  • Heartsmall.png An occurrence! Your 'Family and Law' Quality is now 400 - The Cheery Man did not survive his final bout with his daughter. Perhaps the family may now know a little peace!

Redirects to: The Aftermath

Alternative Success

A gurgling

The tankards are raised and drained, with a certain amount of sputtering on the Last Constable's part, and a throaty gurgle from the Cheery Man.[…]They stare across the table at each other for a moment[…]. And then they both nod. The game continues.

[Find the rest of the story at]

In the First Round

  • Heartsmall.png An occurrence! Your 'Family and Law' Quality is now 14 - The first round is over, the second begins!

Redirects to: The Second Round

In the Second Round

  • Heartsmall.png An occurrence! Your 'Family and Law' Quality is now 15 - The second round is over, the final round begins!

Redirects to: The Third Round


A groaning

The tankards are raised and drained, with a certain amount of sputtering on the Last Constable's part, and a throaty gurgle from the Cheery Man[…] In a matter of minutes, it is done, and the Last Constable is nothing more than a wreckage on the table

Description summary:
This is a failure if you support the Last Constable. If you support the Cheery Man, it's a success.

[Find the rest of the story at]

  • Heartsmall.png An occurrence! Your 'Family and Law' Quality is now 350 - The Last Constable did not survive her final bout with her father. Perhaps the family may now know a little peace!

Redirects to: The Aftermath

Alternative Failure

A shrieking

[…] The Cheery Man belches. […] He does not seem able to stop.

The Last Constable […] convulses, falling onto the table […] she's able to […] reach her father's twitching hand […] their fingers are locked together by rigor mortis […]

[Find the rest of the story at]

  • Heartsmall.png An occurrence! Your 'Family and Law' Quality is now 300 - The family tragedy is concluded. There were no survivors!

Redirects to: The Aftermath