Watch the final ceremony (Body)

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: A Tournament of the Body: to the Victor, the Spoils

The judges are getting up on the stage to present the medal.

Unlocked with Body: Currently in the Lead is The Soldiers of Skite (World Quality, now available) (Only the soldier of Skite remains.)


A bold finale

The […] Mercenary [renders] an epic poem on the podium. […] The judges listen, rapt, even Feducci who smirks at several particular references. […]


[…] the Keeper sets off […] in the direction of the Labyrinth. He is illuminated by a firework, […] a sigil in the Correspondence. […]

Description summary:
An extra second paragraph is added based on your Body: Taking Sides, and the last sentence of the last paragraph depends on your A Scholar of the Correspondence.

Taking SidesSecond Paragraph
TigersThe Striped Officiant pads to your side. "So it goes! But you – your ardour is noted." He saunters off, leaving a bundle at your feet.
the Eagle ClanThe Aquiline Assistant is suddenly beside you in the stands. "Your help was welcome," she says. "The rules here are different to ours." She leaves you with single coin.
the Grand SanatoriaThe Cackling Mechanic from the Sanatoria wriggles into a seat next to you. "We noticed you 'elping," she wheezes. "Appreciated." She drops a few bottles as she leaves.
Soldiers of SkiteA Bedraggled Pikeman approaches. The soldiers of Skite are even more striking up close. "Few believed in us. Few were kind. But you were." A fist to the chest. "Our thanks."
ScholarLast Sentence
0-5?Word is that the sigils mean: 'To Assemble a Name from Scars'.
9?-11You puzzle out the meaning without sacrificing your eyebrows: 'To Assemble a Name from Scars'.
12-21The meaning is clear to you: 'To Assemble a Name from Scars'.

[Find the rest of the story at]

If Body: Taking Sides is 1 - Tigers:

If Body: Taking Sides is 2 - the Eagle Clan:

If Body: Taking Sides is 4 - the Grand Sanatoria:

If Body: Taking Sides is 5 - Soldiers of Skite: