Watch the final ceremony (Intellect)

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: A Tournament of the Intellect: To the Victor, the Spoils

The judges are getting up on the stage to present the medal.

Unlocked with Intellect: Currently in the Lead is Tigers (World Quality, now available) (The tigers are victorious.)


Not quite celebratory

[…] The Parabolan judge watches from behind glass, a gnomic smile […] about his […] face.

The Patient Mastermind looks much less pleased, […] They do not linger […] to shake paws with their competitors. […]


[…] Ka-boom. Coloured fires twine into a winding sigil in the Correspondence. […]

Description summary:
An extra second paragraph is added based on your Intellect: Taking Sides, and the last sentence of the last paragraph depends on your A Scholar of the Correspondence.

Taking SidesSecond Paragraph
The TigersThe Striped Officiant finds you in the crowd. "I know you think you're helping. I suppose it counts for something."
The Eagle ClanThe Striking Protector of the Eagle Clan elbows her way to you. "This is for you. Our alliances matter even more when times are turbulent." She flashes you a grin.
The Koloman RepublicThe Bespectacled Choreographer of the Kolomanians arrives at your elbow. "You'd think a few bribes would be sufficient. Oh well." He offers an oversized wink as he saunters off.
The Principles of CoralA lamp-cat twines around your leg as you watch the proceedings. It purrs outrageously. It has a chunk of amber in its mouth.
ScholarLast Sentence
0-5?Word is that the sigils mean: 'A Negative Impulse, Poorly Resisted'.
9?-11You puzzle out the meaning without sacrificing your eyebrows: 'A Negative Impulse, Poorly Resisted'.
12-21The meaning is clear to you: 'A Negative Impulse, Poorly Resisted'.

[Find the rest of the story at]

If Intellect: Taking Sides is 1 - The Tigers of the Wakeful Eye:

If Intellect: Taking Sides is 2 - The Eagle Clan:

If Intellect: Taking Sides is 3 - The Koloman Republic:

If Intellect: Taking Sides is 5 - The Principles of Coral: