What might be found in the Sixth Coil?

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: Where can the Notable Beasts be Found?

He's close to the striped administrators of the Labyrinth. Perhaps he knows?

Unlocked with The Coilheart Games is present (World Quality, now locked), Of Stripes, and Coils 20-299, 10 x Bottle of Greyfields 1882

Locked with Lead: Mr Inch


Full of cages

"Been closed for as long as I can remember. Doors solid shut. […]"

[…] "The Labyrinth in general, though. Most of the creatures in there..." Mr Inch lifts his hat and mops his forehead. "They're not exactly there of their own volition, if you catch my drift."

[Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]