What should you do about the Koloman Republic?

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: A Nose for a Story

Action Cost: 0

After the Tournament of Intellect, their unity has suffered a large blow.

Unlocked with Coilheart Visitors 10


Into the beast's lair

[…]"Too many things at once[…] search in the usual places you'd look for news of the Surface[…] Or perhaps we ought to look more closely into their facility for chess? […] a talent for the chequerboard coincides unhappily with a penchant for political skulduggery."

[Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]

Success Instructions: ( Leads Identified) leads have been uncovered, out of a possible 7. Huffam has received enough information to fully investigate ( Feature) of these leads.