A Nose for a Story

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

Description summary:
The beginning of the description varies based on Of Stripes, and Coils, and additional text is added in a final paragraph as more World Qualities appear.

Of Stripes, and CoilsDescription
20 - 221The offices of the Unexpurgated London Gazette are a whirlwind. Journalists, sub-editors and printers […] "There's something here, blast it!" The normally respectable editor has ink on his cheek. "I have a hunch. There's a story here. So find it!"
230With the Wakeful Eye's blockade [...], the atmosphere in the offices has intensified. Huffam is keeping a lid on the story [...] until he can tell the whole tale at once. He works like a man possessed [...] "We'll get to the bottom of this, mark my words."
ConditionAdditional Text in the Last Paragraph
Feature: Eagles' IntriguesMore and more outsiders crowd the office. A severe Khaganian speaks to a harangued copywriter, attempting to issue censures and corrections.
Feature: Indolent TigersSome of the braver journalists have collared a few tigers outside, looking for comment.
Feature: Dubious RepublicsA couple of visitors from the so-called Koloman Republic take their turns in the interview room.
Feature: Living HistoryEven the Whispering Duellist is here, setting the story straight to a sweating sub-editor, sabre conspicuously visible.

[Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]

Unlocked with The Coilheart Games is present (World Quality, now locked), Of Stripes, and Coils 20-234

Storylet appears in Veilgarden


Discuss your recent scramble for leads
Attend a meeting of minds
Ask how you might be of service
  •  Spoiler 
    Action Cost: 0



    "Investigate! How else?"

    Success Instructions: There is knowledge about the Sixth Coil of the Labyrinth – and those who seek to claim its contents – hidden throughout Fallen London. Some is in obvious places; some is not. [See page]

    A given piece of knowledge will only be useful to Mr Huffam once enough players have verified the information at his office. Some information will require the participation of more players; more obscure pieces may require fewer players.

    The more clues are found and spread, the more complete Huffam's story will be, come publication date. The events of the Coilheart Games will progress regardless of Huffam's progress. Moving forwards will not necessarily require discovering every single clue – but knowledge is power.

Where should you start your preliminary investigations?
  •  Spoiler 
    Action Cost: 0
    Unlocked with Of Stripes, and Coils 20-229



    Targeted interviews

    Success Instructions: ( Leads Identified) leads have been uncovered, out of a possible 7. Huffam has received enough information to fully investigate ( Feature) of these leads.

Where should you look with regards to the Eagle?
  •  Spoiler 
    Action Cost: 0
    Unlocked with Coilheart Eagles 10




    Success Instructions: ( Leads Identified) leads have been uncovered, out of a possible 7. Huffam has received enough information to fully investigate ( Feature) of these leads.

Does he have any pointers with regard to the tigers?
  •  Spoiler 
    Action Cost: 0
    Unlocked with Coilheart Tigers 10



    Into the beast's lair

    Success Instructions: ( Leads Identified) leads have been uncovered, out of a possible 7. Huffam has received enough information to fully investigate ( Feature) of these leads.

What should you do about the Koloman Republic?
  •  Spoiler 
    Action Cost: 0
    Unlocked with Coilheart Visitors 10



    Into the beast's lair

    Success Instructions: ( Leads Identified) leads have been uncovered, out of a possible 7. Huffam has received enough information to fully investigate ( Feature) of these leads.

Does he have any guidance after the Tournament of the Body?
What stones remain to be upturned?
  •  Spoiler 
    Action Cost: 0
    Unlocked with Of Stripes, and Coils 230



    At long last

    Success Instructions: ( Leads Identified) leads have been uncovered, out of a possible 7. Huffam has received enough information to fully investigate ( Feature) of these leads.

Discuss the headlines as they stand
Share some information of your own