"The Gracious Widow."
From Fallen London Wiki
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From: A Toast in the Shadows
As cold as the River. As old as the Forgotten Quarter. Her heart is pickled in secrets.
A long shadow
The Footpad pales.[…]
The Widow has that effect […]. They say she drowned her own husband. […] let her daughter die to secure […] immortality.[…] she was here[…] when London fell. […] she will still be here […] when the roof parts for the next city.[Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]
- Perform a successful Area-Dive to unlock new stories! (Sets A Name Whispered in Darkness to 2)
- You make your toasts to the Gracious Widow. (Sets You Make Your Toasts To: to 2 - The Gracious Widow - merciless, efficient, mysterious. Immortal?)
- Heartless is increasing… (+5 CP)
- Magnanimous is dropping… (-5 CP)
- Your 'Suspicion' Quality has gone!
- Shadowy is increasing… (+65 CP, up to level 200 + Shadowy Gains)
- You've unlocked a new header! You can change your profile page header in 'Matters of Identity', in your lodgings. (Raises Headers Unlocked by 1)