...is looking for someone to argue with
From Fallen London Wiki
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From: The Jovial Contrarian...
Take a seat next to his wheeled chair. You'd rather debate than dance any day.
Unlocked with Time Remaining... exactly 4
Challenge information
- 85 - very chancy (41%)
- 105 - chancy (51%)
- 126 - modest (61%)
- 146 - very modest (71%)
- 167 - low-risk (81%)
- 187 - straightforward (91%)
- 205 - straightforward (100%)
"I'm prepared to admit the possibility of my error. I suppose."
Your debate attracts quite a crowd […] his acknowledgement that he's just as fallible in this case is treated […] as a crushing defeat. You are toasted by everyone […] The Contrarian seems quite cheerful about it; he's had a grand time.
[Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]
Watchful is increasing…
You've lost 2 x Time Remaining...
Talk of the Town is increasing… (+4 CP)
'Common sense, [formal address], is what tells you the world is flat!'
He's infuriating! Is there anything he won't argue? […] you […] indulge in a brief tirade[…]. The […] host is shocked at your language, but the Contrarian compliments its imagination and completeness as he wheels […] away. "It's good to meet a person of passion […]!"
[Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]
Watchful is increasing…
You've lost 2 x Time Remaining...
Scandal is increasing… (+2 CP)