A Discordant Note
From Fallen London Wiki
A player-created Guide is available for this content: A Church in the Wild (Guide) |
Spoiler warning! This page contains details about Fallen London Actions. |
The Delightful Reverend wishes to speak to you […] There is a parishioner whose enthusiasm for hymns is only matched by his tonal discord. There have been complaints; the organist fears for her sanity and the parishioners are beginning to dread services […]
[Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]
Unlocked with In Burrow,
Airs of Burrow 51,
A Church in the Wild 20,
An Event Waits!
Locked with Event: Music
Storylet appears in Burrow-Infra-Mump
This storylet autofires once all the prerequisites are met.
You cannot leave this storylet without playing any branches.
Do nothing
- Spoiler
You've gained 1 x Church: Humility
You've gained 1 x Church: Isolationism
An occurrence! Your 'Event: Music' Quality is now 1! (hidden)
Your 'An Event Waits!' Quality has gone! (hidden)
Encourage the parishioner to other pursuits
- Spoiler
Challenge information
Persuasive 200 || 137 - very chancy (41%) || 170 - chancy (51%) || 204 - modest (61%) || 237 - very modest (71%) || 270 - low-risk (81%) || 304 - straightforward (91%) || 334 - straightforward (100%)
An impressive willingness to contribute
Persuasive is increasing…
You've gained 1 x Church: Ostentation
You've gained 1 x Church: Iconoclasm
An occurrence! Your 'Event: Music' Quality is now 1! (hidden)
Your 'An Event Waits!' Quality has gone! (hidden)
The wrong flowers
Persuasive is increasing…
You've gained 1 x Church: Humility
You've gained 1 x Church: Iconoclasm
An occurrence! Your 'Event: Music' Quality is now 1! (hidden)
Your 'An Event Waits!' Quality has gone! (hidden)
Let September handle him
- Spoiler Unlocked with
Church: Deacon exactly 2
Clearing the cobwebs
You've gained 1 x Church: Iconoclasm
You've gained 1 x Church: Ostentation
An occurrence! Your 'Event: Music' Quality is now 1! (hidden)
Your 'An Event Waits!' Quality has gone! (hidden)