A Flash Lay: Up your Sleeve

From Fallen London Wiki

Spend this on various benefits during a Flash Lay.

See here for a list of how to obtain this item, or click here to show them.

It cannot be bought or sold at The Echo Bazaar!.

See here for a list of pages which use or require this item, or click here to show them.


Card Branch Requires Challenge/

Venture Challenge Level[1]

Success Failure
A Mysterious Stranger Pick their pocket 25 +2 +1 +1
Ear to the Ground Plant a scandalous rumour about your mark 4 Automatic +2 -1


Treat the staff as equals < 6 25 +3 +2 +2
Earn the favour of the Efficient Chef 25 +2 +2
Keeping Up Appearances Open your heart 25 +2 +2 +4
Bring in an accomplice 25 +2 +2
Make your Move: a Confessional Evening Bide your time 25 +3 +2
Obstacle: an Awkward Friend Bring your Friend to a meeting Automatic +1 +2
Use your Awkward Friend to distract a Constable Automatic +1 +2