A Tournament of the Imagination

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.
A Neoclassical amphitheatre has been hastily constructed on a vacant lot in Veilgarden. […] the tournament's competitors have organised into sections. Paints are being brought in by the bucketful, and Bazaarine literature by the cartload.

[Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]

Game Instructions:

Imagination: ScheduleGame Instructions
1 - 2The Tournament of Imagination will run until 12:00 BST on the 8th of August.
3The Tournament of Imagination has concluded. Get up to speed here, and witness the results.

Unlocked with Imagination: Schedule is present (World Quality, now available), Of Stripes, and Coils 150

Locked with Imagination: The Story So Far 4, Imagination: Taking Sides

Storylet appears in Veilgarden


Survey the competitors
Pledge your assistance to the Court
Pledge your assistance to the Eagle Clan
Approach the delegation from the Koloman Republic
Join in with the Bohemians
Catch up on the Tournament