Ambition Heart's Desire: A Marvellous Conversation with Mr Pages
Spoiler warning! This page contains details about Fallen London Actions. |
To achieve your heart's desire, you must win the Marvellous. In order to win the Marvellous, you need two things: a suitable deck of cards and a venue...
Mr Pages has availed itself to you. […]. It is keen for the Marvellous to begin again...[Find the rest of the story at]
Unlocked with Ambition: Heart's Desire! 200-219
Locked with Ambition: A Marvellous Deck 101, Ambition: A Marvellous Venue 101
Recall what came before
- Spoiler
Ask about the First City coins
- Spoiler
Inquire about the rules
- Spoiler
Ask about the prize
- Spoiler
Ask about the next step
- Spoiler Unlocked with Ambition: Heart's Desire! 200 - 209
Order of play
- Speak to the other players to learn their requirements for a venue for the Marvellous. (Sets Ambition: A Marvellous Venue to 1 - Speak to the other players to learn their requirements for a venue for the Marvellous. Mr Pages can tell you where they can be found)
- Prepare a suitable deck of the Marvellous for play. (Sets Ambition: A Marvellous Deck to 1 - Prepare a suitable deck of the Marvellous for play)
- Secure a suitable venue and procure a deck of the Marvellous to continue your Ambition (Sets Ambition: Heart's Desire! to 210 - Secure a suitable venue and procure a deck of the Marvellous to continue your Ambition)
Inquire after Mr Pages' own heart's desire
- Spoiler Unlocked with 1 x Storm-Threnody
Locked with Flickering Insight into a Soaring Heart
Challenge information
Broad, Persuasive 200 || 137 - very chancy (41%) || 170 - chancy (51%) || 204 - modest (61%) || 237 - very modest (71%) || 270 - low-risk (81%) || 304 - straightforward (91%) || 334 - straightforward (100%)
I titled my vanes and ennobled all spires
- Persuasive is increasing…
- A smouldering revelation of stranger skies. (Sets Flickering Insight into a Soaring Heart to 1)
- You've lost 1 x Storm-Threnody
A Repetition
- Persuasive is increasing…
- You've lost 1 x Storm-Threnody
Discuss the cards
- Spoiler Unlocked with Ambition: Heart's Desire! exactly 210
Locked with Ambition: A Marvellous Deck 2
A long arrangement
Success Instructions: Storridges Publishing House can be found in the Bazaar Side-streets.
- Travel to Storridges in the Bazaar Side-streets to collect the Marvellous. (Sets Ambition: A Marvellous Deck to 10 - Travel to Storridges in the Bazaar Side-streets to collect the Marvellous)
Discuss the cards further
- Spoiler Unlocked with Ambition: A Marvellous Deck exactly 15
To Parabola
Success Instructions: You will need to establish a Parabolan Base-Camp to continue. Look for a storylet in your Lodgings to continue.
- Establish a Base-Camp in Parabola. (Sets Ambition: A Marvellous Deck to 17 - Establish a Base Camp in Parabola)
Discuss the venue
- Spoiler Unlocked with Ambition: Heart's Desire! exactly 210
Locked with Ambition: A Marvellous Venue 2, Ambition: The Master's Pointer (hidden)
Mr Pages' needs
- An occurrence! Your 'Ambition: The Master's Pointer' Quality is now 1! (hidden)
Discuss the venue further
- Spoiler Action Cost: 0
Unlocked with Ambition: Heart's Desire! exactly 210, Ambition: A Marvellous Venue exactly 10
The city of roses
Success Instructions: Look for the card 'A Dream of Roses' in your Opportunity Deck to enter Arbor. You will need 3 Magnificent Diamonds, 1 Primeval Hint and high Attar.
Redirects to: Ambition Heart's Desire: A Marvellous Conversation with Mr Pages
Tell Mr Pages you have gathered everyone's preferences regarding the venue
- Spoiler Action Cost: 0
Unlocked with Ambition: The Bishop's Pointer (hidden), Ambition: The Master's Pointer (hidden), Ambition: The Monkey's Pointer (hidden), Ambition: Virginia's Pointer (hidden), Ambition: The King's Pointer (hidden), Ambition: The Manager's Pointer (hidden)
Locked with Ambition: A Marvellous Venue 10
On you go
Redirects to: Ambition: Choosing the Venue
Establish a Parabolan Base-Camp
- Spoiler
Bid Mr Pages farewell for now
- Spoiler
Tell Mr Pages you have secured the cards and the venue
- Spoiler Unlocked with Ambition: A Marvellous Venue exactly 100, Ambition: A Marvellous Deck exactly 100
A division of interest
- The Marvellous is consecrated and ready for play. (Sets Ambition: A Marvellous Deck to 101 - The Marvellous is consecrated and ready for play)
- You have secured a venue in Arbor, city of Roses, to stage the Marvellous. (Sets Ambition: A Marvellous Venue to 101 - You have secured a venue in Arbor, city of Roses, to stage the Marvellous)