Ask how you might be of service

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: A Nose for a Story

Action Cost: 0

You have Huffam's crumpled calling card and plea for aid. How might you help?


"Investigate! How else?"

Success Instructions: There is knowledge about the Sixth Coil of the Labyrinth – and those who seek to claim its contents – hidden throughout Fallen London. Some is in obvious places; some is not. [See below]

A given piece of knowledge will only be useful to Mr Huffam once enough players have verified the information at his office. Some information will require the participation of more players; more obscure pieces may require fewer players.

The more clues are found and spread, the more complete Huffam's story will be, come publication date. The events of the Coilheart Games will progress regardless of Huffam's progress. Moving forwards will not necessarily require discovering every single clue – but knowledge is power.

Of Stripes, and CoilsFirst Paragraph
20 - 160Not all clues are accessible to all players, and only a small number are available now. More will open as the Coilheart Games progress.
170 - 180Not all clues are accessible to all players, and only around half are available now. More will open as the Coilheart Games progress.
190 - 221Not all clues are accessible to all players. They are almost all available now. More will open as the Coilheart Games progress.
230Not all clues are accessible to all players, although at this point in the story all are available.