Champions in Moonish Light

From Fallen London Wiki
Spoiler warning!
This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

You accompany victors and sacrifices new and old into London's streets. […]

The Fifth City[…] needs little incitement to revelry. […] Word spreads. The Games are over. The Coil has opened. And a party to put the Neath to shame is unfurling from within.

Description summary:
An additional paragraph is present at the beginning of the description with Of Stripes, and Coils less than 425.

Of Stripes, and CoilsFirst paragraph
421-424The ascent through the Labyrinth is riotous […]. […] not even the Striped Officiant's band of tigers can halt the carnival atmosphere. The fourth, the third, the second and the first – none offer obstacles enough to stop the procession.

[Find the rest of the story at]

Unlocked with various redirects from Last Glimpses

Storylet appears in The Labyrinth of Tigers


Wander the crowds
Seek out the Eagle Clan
Head towards the most boisterous crowds
Seek out the visitors from the Surface
Look for the tigers of the Wakeful Eye
  •  Spoiler 
    Unlocked with Labyrinth's Exodus 9
    Locked with Coilheart Tigers 11



    Self-imposed distance

    Success Instructions: With the Tributes freed, the events of the Coilheart Games can finally come to a close. But the Banded Prince will arrive soon, to tie up some loose ends...
