Look for the tigers of the Wakeful Eye

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: Champions in Moonish Light

They alone are separate from the night's revels. Given the circumstances, it is, perhaps, understandable.

Game Instructions: This will progress the story.

Unlocked with Labyrinth's Exodus 9

Locked with Coilheart Tigers 11


Self-imposed distance

[…] Labyrinth. Only tigers remain here […] Striped Officiant himself before the […]

"I shall have to report to His Majesty," […] The entrance to the Sixth Coil swallows his words. […]

He stretches […] "The Banded Prince is coming,[…]

[Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]

Success Instructions: With the Tributes freed, the events of the Coilheart Games can finally come to a close. But the Banded Prince will arrive soon, to tie up some loose ends...