Compose a poem

From Fallen London Wiki
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From: Epistolary Matters

Offer beauty.

Description summary:
The cost varies depending on your poetic school.

Identified with a School:Requirement
The Nocturnals 1 x Mourning Candle
The Bazaarines 1 x An Identity Uncovered!
The Celestials 1 x Touching Love Story
The Mycologenes FATE 1 x Touching Love Story
The Terpsichoreans FATE 1 x Touching Love Story
You reject all labels 1 x Touching Love Story

[Find the rest of the story at]

Game Instructions: The cost of composing this letter varies depending on the poetic school you are identified with. The recipient must have at least one point of Inspired... already. They can read the letter to increase their Inspired... quality.

Unlocked with Identified with a School: is: any, Persuasive 80, 1 x (See table)

Locked with A Letter, Ready to Mail, Establishing Social Relations

Challenge information

Broad, Persuasive 135

  • 93 - very chancy (41%)
  • 115 - chancy (51%)
  • 138 - modest (61%)
  • 160 - very modest (71%)
  • 183 - low-risk (81%)
  • 205 - straightforward (91%)
  • 225 - straightforward (100%)

The difficulty is equal to 90% of your base Persuasive, rounded. The given example is for base Persuasive 150.


It takes time

You put down a few initial lines:


...perhaps not exactly this. But you're on the right track with this one.

Description summary:
The poem varies according to your poetic school.

Identified with a School:The Start of your Poem
The NocturnalsI plunge my head into glassy water;
I fill my lungs with darker-than-dark;
the body sinks, the mind remains;
the soul was never there.
The BazaarinesAnd what, she asks, was left for me?
A firkin full of golden cider;
A blazing sigil 'pon the spires;
A wider world than he aspires.
The CelestialsThat day, I saw the Sun for my last time.
And now I grieve beneath for His lost light.
But soon, one day, I will repent my crime.
And what remains of me will live in flight.
The MycologenesFATE
The TerpsichoreansFATE
You reject all labelsOde to a Honey-Mazed Bear

O beast of claw and fur! O mirror-mad margrave!
Thine honey is thine cider!
Thine fez alights so pretty 'pon thine head!

[Find the rest of the story at]

Recipient's Benefit: Read a poetic missive



You find yourself stuck looking for a word that rhymes with '[…].'

Description summary:
The rhyming problem varies according to your poetic school.

Identified with a School:Word
The Nocturnalstenebrous
The Bazaarineslabyrinthine
The Celestialsempyreal
The MycologenesFATE
The TerpsichoreansFATE
You reject all labelsomnifarious

[Find the rest of the story at]