Contrive a shaded spot for your (growth)

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From: Vertiginous Horticulture

Finding and lurking in suitable shadows is a time-honoured tradition among those who frequent the Flit. Put these talents to good use.

Description summary:
The title varies with Rooftop Growth.

Rooftop Growth:Effect
1: Singular Cuttingssingular cuttings
4: Recusant Marigoldsmarigolds
5: False-Cantigaster Hybridspoisonous hybrids

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Unlocked with Rooftop Growth, Light Preference: Shade, Nurturing a Rooftop Growth 1 - 150, The Airs of London 26-50

Challenge information

Broad, Shadowy 95

  • 65 - very chancy (41%)
  • 81 - chancy (51%)
  • 97 - modest (61%)
  • 113 - very modest (71%)
  • 129 - low-risk (81%)
  • 145 - straightforward (91%)
  • 159 - straightforward (100%)


The perfect balance


The trouble for you is [...] in finding a light source near enough such that the contrast between light and dark is just so. There – a townhouse with windows that spill light onto a neighbouring roof. You pot up your [Growth] and resettle them perfectly.

Description summary:
The first paragraph varies with Rooftop Growth. There are additional sentences if you have a Poison-Tipped Umbrella and a Mesmeric Parasol.

1: Singular CuttingsYour Singular Plants enjoy shade. Or, to put it more properly, they seem to enjoy having a roof over their head more than the actual properties of shade that roofs convey.
4: Recusant MarigoldsRecusant Marigolds cannot stand harsh or direct light, but nor will they countenance the dark of night. It is as if they need to have the light within arm's reach, so that they might keep an eye on it. In case, of course, it tries anything.
5: False-Cantigaster HybridsThe ichorous caps of your False-Cantigaster Hybrids prefer shade, oozing more prodigiously when protected from direct light like a royal on a palanquin.
Poison-Tipped UmbrellaText
YesYour poison-tipped umbrella helps to throw shade at precisely the right angle.
Mesmeric ParasolText
YesThe mesmeric parasol is the perfect final touch.

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Rare Success

Rare Success!


The trouble for you is [...] in finding a light source near enough such that the contrast between light and dark is just so. There – a townhouse with windows that spill light onto a neighbouring roof. You pot up your [Growth] and resettle them perfectly. [...]

Description summary:
The beginning of the description varies with Rooftop Growth. The additional passage at the end of the second paragraph varies based on the school you're identified with.

Identified with a School:Text
1: The NocturnalsYou sit for a while in the shade. enjoying the interplay of shadow-on-shadow. Nowhere but the Neath would such complexities of darkness be possible.
2: The BazaarinesYou sit for a while in the shade, watching the spires of the Bazaar over the rooftops. The sigils on its flank ebb and burn. What might grow beneath its half-light?
3: The CelestialsYou sit for a while in the shade. It feels like a waste of a light source, to only admire it coyly, obliquely, but there is no accounting for taste.
100: Reject all labelsYou sit for a while in the shade, one dangerous and unclassifiable organism keeping the other company.

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It is difficult to skulk while lugging around multiple flowerpots full of [growth]. Mere shade won't do – it has to be the right kind of shadow. [...]

"Oi! What are you doing up there?" [...] Time to be elsewhere.