Forum:The abolishment of the Fate action visibility rule

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The abolishment of the Fate action visibility rule[edit]

Following a discussion on the wiki Discord and an email to FBG, we've been allowed to record actions within F2P content that can't be seen without FATE:

We're more than happy to okay this request

I've already updated the policy page. Nevertheless, I'm hesitant to include content that's technically allowed now, but is part of a Fate-locked story that's otherwise off-limits (see Engaged in a Case: and A Flash Lay: your Mark: for examples).
- TFF (talk) 09:33, 31 May 2022 (UTC)

In consultation with TFF, I have created a flowchart. Not quite sure where to put it, or if svg is the best way, but now it exists. -- RagCall (talk) 12:59, 31 May 2022 (UTC)
Could be handy here. TFF (talk) 13:08, 31 May 2022 (UTC)
pedantic note about the flowchart: items/qualities that only exist during a fate-locked story (and not afterwards) tend to not be documented, though i'm not sure that's Official Policy 2601:1C2:680:B430:DB:79F2:8881:45A1 20:50, 2 June 2022 (UTC)
Its never been official policy to not add them, and we've always been allowed to add them (under the blanket could be seen on a profile rule); its just that totally internal qualities/items tend to not serve a real purpose. --Asarta (talk) 13:08, 11 June 2022 (UTC)
Sorry, but I found the policy text and the flowchart very confusing. Can you please include the actual text of the request which FBG were "happy to OK"? Adnoam (talk) 21:38, 12 June 2022 (UTC)
Here's the request email:

Fate Actions on the Wiki

As you might be aware, no narrative content is placed on the wiki if it can't be seen without spending Fate. This is pretty clear-cut as far as storylets and cards are concerned, less so with actions. Since their visibility without the required qualities is decided on a case-by-case basis, the wiki has a scattered record of them, which often causes confusion if something has been omitted unknowingly or not.

This is why we wanted to ask if you'd be fine with us ignoring the individual visibility settings for Fate-locked actions in otherwise non-Fate content and including them similarly to others like: It would help with the players' awareness of what can be expected from their purchases, and we hope the branch titles and descriptions give sufficiently little away.

TFF (talk) 03:39, 13 June 2022 (UTC)