Furnace Leading Anti-Emancipationists

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Furnace is doing her best to represent those who disagree with her. When she truly has no choice, she does expel the unwelcome […] But she will shelter Emancipationists wherever she can. And the city has no inclination to hear from such people. Not now.

[Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]

Unlocked with Hinterland City - Official Alignment is: Anti-Emancipationist, Leader of the Tracklayers is: Furnace Ancona, Unopposed or Furnace Ancona

Locked with Hinterland City - A Blithe Indifference to Politics

Card drawn in The City of the Tracklayers

Occurs with Frequent Frequency (twice as common as Standard)


Keep Furnace just where she is
Stay out of it