Intriguer's Compendium

From Fallen London Wiki
  Show conversions 
Economy: Rumour (Notable Sources)
E0.04 Proscribed Material
▾▾▾ 25:10 or 250:105
E 0.30 | Rare: E 2.50
E0.10 Inkling of Identity
▾▾▾ 50:10 or 500:105
E 0.40 | Rare: E 12.50
E0.50 Scrap of Incendiary Gossip
▾▾▾ 50:10
E 1.00≈≈ | Rare: E 25.00
E2.50 An Identity Uncovered!
▾▾▾ 25:5
E 2.00 | Rare: E 62.50
E12.50 Blackmail Material

E2.50 Night on the Town
E2.50 Rumour of the Upper River
E60.00 Diary of the Dead
E(62.50) Mortification of Great Power
E312.50 Intriguer's Compendium
E1,560.00 Rumourmonger's Network

For items with two conversion options, the
success given refers only to the first option.
Bulk options do not have additional benefits.

Names, dates, places, weaknesses, techniques, teachings, unsuspected ancestries, lost love stories... this must be a lifetime's work.

See here for a list of how to obtain this item, or click here to show them.

It can be sold at the Bazaar:

Selling E 312.50

See here for a list of pages which require this item, or click here to show them.

See Rumour Grinding (Guide) for information on grinding this item.