Lift your blindfold (First and Last)

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: First and Last

Blink away the blackness. Gorge your pupils on apocrypha and violant.


Almost familiar

She was always good at disguises[…] This is different. There are lines beneath her eyes […] A burn on her hand that she cannot have faked.

[…] she is not dead, although the violant snares her […] The light shimmers. The moment repeats. Your eyes war with your memory.


Description summary:
The third paragraph varies based on an unknown quality.

UnknownThird Paragraph
?The Forlorn Shepherd hisses beside you. He turns to look away.
??"Let's not linger," whispers the Last Duchess. "Upwards is the way. I can feel it."

[Find the rest of the story at]