Moulin in Gaslight

From Fallen London Wiki
(Redirected from Moulin Bathed in Light)
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.
The town's main intersections and squares are lit, but the gas-lamps cast long shadows into the narrow alleys.

Description summary:
The name and title of this card change depending on the darkness.

Moulin: DarknessName & Description
0-2Moulin Bathed in Light
Gas-lamps flicker merrily in between the narrow streets, casting reflections on shop windows.
3-4Moulin in Gaslight
The town's main intersections and squares are lit, but the gas-lamps cast long shadows into the narrow alleys.
5-6Moulin in Twilight
Candles and lanterns are left on windowsills, to try and beat back the gloom.
7Moulin Shrouded in Darkness
Light does not travel far in Moulin; the crooked, narrow streets break it into slivers and splinters. In most places in town, light does not travel at all.

[Find the rest of the story at]

Card drawn in Moulin

Occurs with Standard Frequency


Lamplighter beeswax.png
Enlighten Moulin
Darken Moulin
Bring in a historical tour
  •  Spoiler 


    Challenge information

    Broad, Persuasive 210 || 144 - very chancy (41%) || 179 - chancy (51%) || 214 - modest (61%) || 249 - very modest (71%) || 284 - low-risk (81%) || 319 - straightforward (91%) || 350 - straightforward (100%)

    Base difficulty is 180, increased by 10 × Moulin: Darkness. The difficulty shown above is with the starting Darkness value of 3.


    A town full of stories


    Distracted; dispersed

Engage in a spot of larceny