Observe the (Alignment) culture at work

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: Hinterland City Streets (Card)

What has become of Hinterlandcity.png [City Name]?

Locked with Hinterland City - A Blithe Indifference to Politics

Challenge information

Broad, Watchful Unknown Difficulty Level


Politics in action

Description summary:
This action's title and success description vary based on the Official Alignment of the city.

LiberationistLighting is kept to a minimum, and the constabulary finds no assistance when it heads this way. In some parts of the city even the light of the false-stars is blotted out with black awnings.
Radical LiberationistThere are no street-lamps and no candles. Thick canopies overhead black out even the feeble light of the false-stars. One navigates instead by scent and sound and the varying sensation of the pavements underfoot.
Liberationist-PrehistoricistThere are all sorts of creatures in the street, black-scaled and lamp-eyed: defenders of the walls, and fierce against any soldier or constable who might come from outside. Towards the local citizens, they are meek as rabbits.
PrehistoricistThe work of street-sweeping is not considered suitable for humans: bred to this cause instead is a spined bullfrog […] With every leap, it gathers […] rubbish and paper on its quills. It is out of sight before you can see how it cleans itself again.
Radical PrehistoricistThe gate of the city is ringed with teeth; emblazoned overhead is […] a snapped chain. […] far more creatures than human beings, and many of the humans are no longer […] as they were at birth. Laboratories are as common as costermongers, […]
Prehistoricist-EmancipationistHumans work side-by-side with the caretaker monsters of the city; a girl with a taper is seeing to the lamps on one side of the street, but her colleague on the other side has the neck of a giraffe and a breath like a lit sparkler.
EmancipationistAt the street corner is a public cupboard, stocked with spare rations […] It contains […] incorruptible biscuits. The real wealth of the city is distributed in a more organised fashion: every household has a claim to the share of the harvest and proceeds.
Radical EmancipationistThe city is very practically arranged, with plenty of street lights, and storehouses for common goods. Laboratories are discouraged, however, and […] esoteric sciences are frowned upon. No mucking about with bones here! as one bit of graffiti has it.
Emancipationist-LiberationistThe city prides itself on the sanctuary that it offers refugees, whether these are criminals or Clay Men escaping unpleasant owners, or curious newcomers from further away. A dormitory by the city gate provides them with temporary shelter[…]
Anti-LiberationistThe city is brightly lit, and in some places, a figure of the sun is inscribed. Darkness is not prohibited - this is not Varchas - but the citizens are keen to distinguish themselves from any form of liberationist approach.
Anti-PrehistoricistEvery kind of job is performed by humans in rotation, and the subjugation of pets is discouraged. […] backlash against Prehistoricism means that even […] a trained ferret or a raven may provoke a warning about forcing other creatures to perform our work.
Anti-EmancipationistSigns here and there in the city suggest that people without ideology are not welcome here: Liberationists and Prehistoricists each have their visions of the city, but no one tolerates a milksop.
MixedThe political arguments on-going before the foundation of the city have not entirely ceased: the relative merits of emancipationism and prehistoricism – not to mention the dark of liberation – are debated in graffiti form.
BalancedDifferent neighbourhoods [...] lean a little more in this direction or in that: a Liberationist [...] keeps the southern [...] in shadow, while the northeast [...] more laboratories [...] The citizens plainly derive some satisfaction from the balance of their views, however.
Complacently UnrevolutionarySome people say it feels just like London now. That is incorrect, of course. The city has nothing like London's vibrancy, its size, its ambition. No, it feels more like a fallen Tunbridge Wells.

[Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]



[See above]

The sight leaves you unsettled. Even when there is no one on the streets, the city is watching you. It sees every place you go.